Rosary Garden

Ep. #224 Joyful Mysteries

Monday, November 4, 2024

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Joyful Mysteries Prayer Guide
• Rosary Election Novena - Week 9 of 9
Consecration of the Election to the Blessed Virgin Mary - Fr. Chad Ripperger

Several recent short videos from Ascension Presents related to the Rosary:
How to Pray the Rosary Like Never Before - Fr. Mark-Mary Ames (Oct 28, 2024)
The Easy Way(s) to Pray the Rosary - Fr. Mike Schmitz (Oct 23, 2024)
Did Jesus Really Warn Against Repetition in Prayer? - Fr. Mike Schmitz (Oct 16, 2024)
Where Does the Rosary Come From? - Fr. Mike Schmitz (Oct 2, 2024)

Prayer for the Souls of Our Parents
O God, Who hast commanded us to honor our father and mother, look in the tenderness of Your mercy upon the souls of my father and mother and forgive them their sins and grant unto me the joy of seeing them again in the glorious light of everlasting live. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.